[過去ログ] ノーベル文学賞を予想するPart5 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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(1): 2017/10/04(水)05:00 ID:IbDkthSz(1/3) AAS
How will the Nobel Literature Prize pickers solve their Bob Dylan dilemma?

Last year's choice of US singer songwriter Bob Dylan
? who didn't comment on his win until weeks later and who snubbed the formal prize ceremony in Stockholm
? created such a stir that the Academy is likely to choose a more orthodox laureate,
suggested Bjorn Wiman, cultural editor at Swedish paper of reference Dagens Nyheter.

"What happened last year was really unusual. This year I think
it'll be a male novelist or essayist with roots in Europe.
I think it's going to be the exact opposite of Bob Dylan," Wiman said.

He thinks Antonio Lobo Antunes of Portugal and Albania's Ismail Kadare have a good chance.
641: 2017/10/04(水)05:00 ID:IbDkthSz(2/3) AAS
"I think it will be a man in his 70s or 80s who has written heavy novels," predicts Clemens Poellinger.

At the Hedengrens bookstore in central Stockholm,
owner Nicklas Bjorkholm has already set up a wall with books by possible winners,
including Spain's Javier Marias, Americans Joan Didion and Don DeLillo, Poland's Olga Tokarczuk and David Grossmann of Israel.
His personal favourite for the prize is Korean poet Ko Un
because, he insists, "the time has come for a non-anglophone and an Asian."

Zanna, a Tarot card reader consulted by AFP, seems to think it's Yan Lianke's year.

642: 2017/10/04(水)05:18 ID:IbDkthSz(3/3) AAS
The Nobel Literature Dilemma: Will it be for an eternal candidate?(英訳)

However, being in the top four with a four-day absence does not mean much either: i
n recent years, the award-winning climber climbed to the top of the list almost at the last minute.
In addition, according to Weyler,
"if someone figures for three years among the finalists of the jury
and fails to achieve the majority, their window of opportunity closes."

But is it time to reward an African?
If so, the candidate "most likely" would be Wa Thiong'o,
says the philologist Stefan Helgesson, University of Stockholm.
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