[過去ログ] ノーベル文学賞を予想するPart5 [無断転載禁止]©2ch.net (1002レス)
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619: 2017/10/03(火)13:47 ID:qGnj5xQb(1) AAS
359 名前:吾輩は名無しである[sage] 投稿日:2016/10/13(木) 11:33:55.89 ID:wRlSXi0p [2/2]
No clear favorite for the Nobel Prize in Literature(英訳)

Even the Koreans Ko Un was last moved up in the list of possible winners.
In him is the literary critic Maria Schottenius.

But the Somali author Nuruddin Farah could, according to the Swedish have chances.

speak for an African two things:
First Jury Member Per Wastberg is a lover of African literature,
secondly, the last Nobel Prize is for a writer of this continent back already 13 years old.

However: "The Academy has been erratic in recent years," says the publisher Stephen Farran-Lee.
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