ノーベル文学賞を予想するPart8 (951レス)

496: 2023/10/05(木)16:55 ID:bk0UGd1Q(4/8) AAS
(3)Helle Helle

A brilliant prose writer from across the strait!

Helle Helle writes with impressively small means to bring out
the big things in life.

Subject to thematic differences,
the minimalist style is reminiscent of Hemingway's:
stripped down, pithy, and loaded with meaning.

To read Helle is to really read , it requires something from one.
At the same time lyrical, beautiful and intimate.

A joy, simply! Well worth praising.

(4)Cristina Peri Rossi

In 1972, Cristina Peri Rossi fled to Barcelona because of the dictatorship in Uruguay,
where she has lived ever since.

Her writing - which includes essays, short stories, novels and poetry collections
- highlights themes such as exile, exclusion, lesbianism, sexuality and human rights.

In 2021, Peri Rossi was awarded the greatest literary prize in Spanish-language literature,
the Miguel Cervantes Prize, for her contribution to the literary sphere.
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