[過去ログ] コロナワクチン関連を含む陰謀論を語り合おう! (1002レス)

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650: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/12(月)06:05 ID:kPQbXVnz0(1/2) AAS
The 2030th word in the Torah

2030 as in the year

is התבה, "of the ark", in verse Gen 6:16


651: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/12(月)11:21 ID:kPQbXVnz0(2/2) AAS
偽の Covid「ワクチン」 は、誰があなたの心をコントロールしているのか、つまりあなたの脳の最初の大きなテストでした。


内容: みことばをどれくらいよく勉強しましたか?


* 投票する
* 政府に希望を置く
* 主要な組織宗教に参加している
* ♪ インフルエンザの "ワクチン "を手に入れる
* ♪大きな銃乱射事件は偽旗ではないと考えている
* 無数のサイコパスのどれかにひっかかり続ける。
652: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)06:09 ID:kW2uR1ey0(1/11) AAS


79,979ワード。KS: 79,975または6

興味深いことに、遺伝子 79,979: 外部リンク:ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

653: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)06:47 ID:kW2uR1ey0(2/11) AAS


(2/3)本当の科学は、CO2レベルが地球上で最も低いことを明らかにしました! これは科学です。デタラメではない「科学的一致」

(3/3)すべての数学100+独立数学の平均モデル(RED LINE)は、理論が実際の観測と一致しないことを明らかにする。 これは、「気候警戒主義」は、事実に基づいていない警戒主義 - 準「宗教」だけであることを意味します。
654: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)06:47 ID:kW2uR1ey0(3/11) AAS
The Scam artist and SCUMBAG BULLSHITTER Elon Musk is all for CARBON TAX. He is the Global Elites FRONT MAN for pushing the CLIMATE #FakeScience. He profits from EVERY shitbox TESLA sold.

His #FakeFreeSpeech AD CAMPAIGN is about selling the “conservatives” - who earlier saw through the CLIMATE BS - TESLAS. TESLA would not be profitable without the carbon tax credits he receives and TESLA would NOT be worth $600Billion.

Musk is not for Free Speech. He is absolutely fine with the GOVERNMENT BACKDOOR PORTAL INTO TWITTER, which still remains FULLY FUNCTIONAL., and he purposefully avoids th discuss.

詐欺アーティストとSCUMBAG BULLSHITTER Elon Muskはすべてカーボン税のためです。 彼はクライメート#フェイクサイエンスを推進するグローバルエリートのフロントマンです。 彼はテスラが売ったすべてのクソ箱で利益を得ている。

彼の#偽のフリースピーチADキャンペーンは、「保守派」を販売することです - 以前CLIMATE BS - TESLASを通して見た人たち。 彼が受け取る炭素税のクレジットなしでは、テスラは利益を得られず、6億ドルの価値もない。
655: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)06:49 ID:kW2uR1ey0(4/11) AAS
Should I do a Dr. SHIVA vs. Elon Musk DEBATE as “Truth Speaker” proposes?

The question is WILL Elon Musk have the courage to do it openly, LIVE OFF-LINE? I’m assuming the topic will be WHY does he pretend to be for #FreeSpeech, when he keeps FULLY FUNCTIONING the Backdoor to Twitter for Government to do an end-run around the First Amendment (外部リンク:fb.watch - video for background)

Text of Tweet from “Truth Speaker” Twitter Handle:@TruthSpeaker:

Only A Real Genius Can Expose the Fake Genius. @elonmusk do you have the balls to DEBATE Dr. SHIVA. Or, are you afraid of more boos and to be exposed as a DUMBASS & #FakeFreeSpeech BULLSHITTER?

Truth Speaker "が提案するDr.SHIVA vs Elon MuskのDEBATEを行うべきか?
(1): (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)08:16 ID:kW2uR1ey0(5/11) AAS
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: How Elon Musk Fools “Conservatives” to Conceal REAL CENSORSHIP. What We Must Do.

In this discussion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, provides a prescient systems analysis of how and why Elon Musk is FOOLING & EXPLOITING anti-Biden “Conservative” sentiments to CONCEAL the REAL CENSORSHIP - the Backdoor to Twitter - that Elon Musk keeps FULLY ACTIVE for Government to do an end run around the First Amendment.

Dr. Shiva will also discuss his historic 2020 Federal lawsuit which can be found on WinBackFreedom.com

Dr. SHIVA's most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SYSTEM that is an educational, community, and technology platform that is enabling everyday people to become wiser and smarter - to think beyond Left & Right, "Pro-" and "Anti-" - by learning the SCIENCE OF SYSTEMS - to see events and things as they truly are to know the real problem to innovate the real solution.

To learn more about the Truth Freedom Health® System, visit vashiva.com/join or TruthFreedomHealth.com
657: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)08:16 ID:kW2uR1ey0(6/11) AAS

Dr.SHIVA LIVE:イーロン・マスクはいかにして「保守派」を騙して本当のCENSORSHIPを隠しているのか。私たちは何をしなければならないか。



シバ博士の最新のイノベーションは、教育、コミュニティ、テクノロジープラットフォームであるTruth Freedom Health® SYSTEMであり、日常生活者がより賢くなり、右と左、「賛成」と「反対」を超えて考えることができるようにします。
658: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)14:15 ID:kW2uR1ey0(7/11) AAS
"prion" = 72 (Ordinal)

Ordinal 72
Reduction 36
Reverse 63
Reverse Reduction 27
659: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)14:39 ID:kW2uR1ey0(8/11) AAS




660: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)20:53 ID:kW2uR1ey0(9/11) AAS
Experimental adaptation of an influenza H5 haemagglutinin (HA) confers respiratory droplet transmission to a reassortant H5 HA/H1N1 virus in ferrets

Masaki Imai, Tokiko Watanabe, [...], and Yoshihiro Kawaoka


Fouchier study reveals changes enabling airborne spread of H5N1
Robert Roos June 21, 2012

661: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)22:15 ID:kW2uR1ey0(10/11) AAS

662: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/13(火)23:18 ID:kW2uR1ey0(11/11) AAS
Covid-19のパンデミックの2カ月前の2019年10月29日、ブライトはミルケン研究所公衆衛生学部で、アンソニー・ファウチを含む他の政府関係者と「Universal Flu Vaccine」と題する会議に参加した。この会議では、mRNAワクチンの規制を回避するために「システムを爆破する」必要性が認識されていた。参加者はまた、政府の資金調達を復活させ、ブライトらが「従来の卵ベースのワクチン」よりも優れていると考えたmRNAワクチンの生産を推進するために、「興奮のオーラ」を作り出し、「インフルエンザをセクシーにする」必要性について議論した[22]。




663: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)06:03 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(1/15) AAS
Dr.SHIVA: Who Does Elon Musk Serve?

1) Musk Voted for Obama - Twice
2) Musk Voted for Biden - most recent election
3) Musk supports Carbon Tax on every human
4) Musk’s SpaceX gets nearly all of its $$$ from Government
5) Musk Tesla became profitable from Carbon Credits
6) Musk has purposefully not discussed the 2020 Historic Lawsuit that exposed the Govt Backdoor to Twitter which he has NO intention of dismantling that allows Govt to silence political speech
7) Musk supports the bogus Paris Accords which allows China to double their pollution
664: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)06:04 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(2/15) AAS
Prediction: FTX “failure” will be used as the basis of Governments to JUSTIFY Central Banks CENTRALIZING Digital Currency and Carbon Credits. Your EV’s and Cell Phones a la Tesla, Apple, etc. will be platforms for Digital Cages.

P.s. And Government will use Twitter’s Backdoor Portal (which Elon Musk will NEVER dismantle) to CENSOR anyone Government sees as a threat to exposing their malfeasance (as has already occurred).
665: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)06:07 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(3/15) AAS
Elon Musk is a Fraud. Elon Musk = Jack Dorsey. New Bottle SAME Old Wine.

I was thrown off Twitter in the MIDDLE OF my U.S. SENATE Campaign BY the Government using the Backdoor Portal to Twitter when Jack Dorsey was in power (see below).

Elon Musk has STILL NOT taken down that Portal and STILL HAS me suspended, even though I’m running now against DEMOCRAT #FakeIndian SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN (see below).

Elon Musk - who VOTED FOR BIDEN, VOTED FOR OBAMA - is a PT BARNUM fooling “conservatives” with nonsense of “TwitterFiles” nothing burgers and CONCEALING the REAL CENSORSHIP he keeps going for the Government, whose titty he needs to make his billions at SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter.

Elon Musk wants to have American Working people divided and fighting against each other while his Silicon Valley Mafia investors - REPUBLICAN & DEMOCRATS- in Tesla, SpaceX, Twitter - make TRILLION$.
666: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)06:21 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(4/15) AAS
Both Jerusalem's Holiest of Holies as well as the Oracle at Delphi were home to sulfuric volcanic fumes during their heyday.

This sanitizes the air by acidifying it, instantly breaking viral shells.

Only understanding the past will give us a future.

667: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)07:18 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(5/15) AAS

New Zealand bans cigarettes for all those born after 2009
Health authorities are aiming to make the country smoke-free by 2025.
668: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)07:27 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(6/15) AAS
Pfizer more Lethal than Moderna in UK

669: (大阪府) (ワッチョイW 7f41-T23y) 2022/12/14(水)07:29 ID:7OpS+3Zo0(7/15) AAS
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