[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2 (1002レス)
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105: 警備員[Lv.52] 2024/08/20(火)09:24 ID:EAO5tXXB0(2/2) AAS
thank you
106: 警備員[Lv.9][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)09:40 ID:E6OFcJlM0(1) AAS
I would like a scarf towel (a little less expensive please🙏) I would like to have a scarf towel.
I like the どんぐりcharacter on the item bag, what do you like?
Would it be too expensive if the back of the merchandise has the back of the acorn character on it to motivate me to buy it?
I really want a can badge or a 根付small plushie...
This sales site does not seem to be able to make it. Sad🥺
107: 警備員[Lv.64] 2024/08/20(火)09:47 ID:R2sQtXII0(3/3) AAS
Could you please create a new extend command?
Allow the cannon to fire only if the target level x or below (prohibit cannon to users above level x). I would like such a command.
This would prevent troll hunters and low level scripts at the same time.
For example, if we allow users below level 10 to fire the cannon, they will be able to fire, but not above level 11.
108: 警備員[Lv.10][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)09:49 ID:0nyEGgIbd(1) AAS
I like the acorn character on the futon, the leaf armor, and the acorn icon on the tab screen. Stickers, stationery and other small items would be easier to incorporate into my life....
Is it difficult?
109(2): 警備員[Lv.13] 2024/08/20(火)09:56 ID:A2ngY8or0(1) AAS
> That might be possible. Let me try.
Why do you restrict each comment to be shot only once?
I think it is better to restrict each comment to be shot once by each hunter.
Then the issue of self-shooting will be solved.
110(1): ハンター[Lv.815][森] 2024/08/20(火)10:33 ID:SO0/r0wF0(1/2) AAS
As I have requested several times before, the new penalty system for 荒らし was necessary and very good for us hunters.
Please bring it back again.Please reconsider.
警 これまで通り
告 これまで通り
臭 時間経過による経験値の停止
臭Lv1 時間経過による経験値の停止
111: ハンター[Lv.815][森] 2024/08/20(火)10:52 ID:SO0/r0wF0(2/2) AAS
>>110 is for 荒らし who are on a vicious and rampant rampage.
It does not affect the average person who reads and writes normally.
Please introduce it....
112(1): 警備員[Lv.10][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)11:00 ID:qdul82lB0(1) AAS
One point is cute even on the sleeves.
Some people are embarrassed to wear large patterns.
For your reference.
113: 警備員[Lv.22][R武][R防] 2024/08/20(火)11:06 ID:taBesEAS0(2/2) AAS
Thank you. Please do something about it. Also, on a different note, could you add a black color to the Acorn T-shirts at the market? I think it would be hard for men to wear bright colors.
114(2): 警備員[Lv.35][SR武][R防] 2024/08/20(火)11:25 ID:CjYC4es30(1/2) AAS
Please set ACORN2 or VIPQ2 for egg mackerel fate mackerel
The script is so badly damaged that I can't read it properly.
115: 警備員[Lv.6][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)12:17 ID:Xzaz6t3TH(1/2) AAS
It doesn't matter what the risks are, so please introduce Acorn = 1 or higher on all servers and boards immediately.
The current situation is already an incident, but it can be a bigger incident.
The highest responsible person who manages this bulletin board is substantially you
You've been interacting with users properly on 5ch.net, so no matter what Jim ETC you get,
users will support you than other operators who don't even write on the bulletin board.
116(1): 警備員[Lv.83][N武+2][N防+3][木] 2024/08/20(火)12:27 ID:+P8KSlWrd(1) AAS
ERROR: [NTNU]がでて新しいアカウントが発行できなくなっているようです
117: 警備員[Lv.6][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)12:45 ID:Xzaz6t3TH(2/2) AAS
.How to make illegal acorns has been confirmed.
Make illegal acorns, please closed without leaving any fraudulent means
Please block without reporting
118: 警備員[Lv.2][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)12:58 ID:HXOoGHev0(1) AAS
119(1): 警備員[Lv.11][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)13:10 ID:zy8DsxMV0(1) AAS
Since we are here, why not sell some nostalgic AA goods as well, if the sales of goods are strong?
Some people might want to purchase them since they are official sales.
Please consider this in the future.
120(1): ハンター[Lv.668][木] 2024/08/20(火)13:30 ID:DecTr0Fz0(1/2) AAS
like this design T-shirt...
I wont to buy it...
121(1): 警備員[Lv.150][UR武][UR防][苗] 2024/08/20(火)13:36 ID:qj/YIRHs0(1) AAS
It could be urgent.
A completely new user is unable to write in a thread with acorn settings with a completely new IP address.
When I try to write something by completely new Chrome on PC I get the following error
「ERROR: どんぐりCookieが有効期限切れです。どんぐりシステムにログインして新しいCookieを取得ください。[NTNU]」
And since the cookie cannot be retrieved, this user cannot write forever.
Also, of course, it is not possible to create an Acorn account.
なお専用ブラウザやMS Edgeなどで登録済警備員アカウントを使って書き込むことは普通にできてる
I hope this is a problem dependent on my environment: ・・・・
122(1): 警備員[Lv.11][新芽] 2024/08/20(火)14:06 ID:tNEMqrtA0(1) AAS
スマホでもERROR: [NTNU]メッセージが出ています。枯れループ?
I loveモナーand(ヽ´ん`).
123(1): ハンター[Lv.288][苗] 2024/08/20(火)14:09 ID:9N9qpDjS0(1) AAS
Can the x/3 or x/4 command be restricted to UPLIFT users?
I can't stop the proliferation of violation threads.
124: 警備員[Lv.19] 2024/08/20(火)14:27 ID:zlOz0WH/0(1) AAS
Ignore this one.
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