[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★2 (1002レス)
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34(1): 警備員[Lv.65][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/18(日)13:32 ID:jx8dcDpR0(2/2) AAS
TO どんぐりキヤノン★
Congratulations on opening donnguri goods shop.
I think it would be nice to have a shirt with a one-point design.
Do you have plans for other designs?
84(2): どんぐりキャノン ★ ハンター[Lv.485][N武+4][N防+4][森] 08/20(火)07:05 ID:CAP_USER(4/34) AAS
What is a one point design?
Yes I will add more designs to the shop, but I have not had time to add them yet.
OK I will add VIPQ2 to that.
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