[過去ログ] どんぐりキャノン★がアップデートを報告するスレ ★8 (1002レス)
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(1): 警備員[Lv.3][新芽] 12/02(月)15:59 ID:CQwzdK0Y0(1/2) AAS
Please don't change weapon settings just because of the opinions of a few people here.

Every time you make a change without permission, many users will be confused.

(7): どんぐりキャノン ★ 警備員[Lv.126][UR武+29][UR防限+30][森] 12/02(月)16:11 ID:CAP_USER(22/26) AAS
I added an HP limit due to the huge amounts of HP slowing down the server on arena.
You can still have huge amounts of HP for individual battles, but arena is now limited.

I did not adjust any weapons yet.

Unless there is a bug or I made a huge mistake,
I prefer to make weak weapons stronger.
I dislike making strong weapons weaker.
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