[過去ログ] 【最強の】DUO3.0 part60【単語集】 (1002レス)
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177: (ワッチョイ 7ee3-oCVy) 2020/05/06(水)20:39 ID:X52VX6sf0(1/3) AAS
Hey, it's a genuine antique.
181(2): (ワッチョイ 7ee3-oCVy) 2020/05/06(水)22:24 ID:X52VX6sf0(2/3) AAS
You ought to think over whether DUO is valid or not.
Time will tell.
182: (ワッチョイ 7ee3-oCVy) 2020/05/06(水)22:30 ID:X52VX6sf0(3/3) AAS
To make matters worse, he isn't even conscious of annoying us.
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