英語で社会学を学ぼう (6レス)
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(1): (スプッッ Sdc2-7uPc) 2021/08/13(金)08:18 ID:sseX8OgQd(1) AAS
Many philosophers have published books on Continental philosophy and American philosophy after WWII.Among those, Ōmori Shōzō, Wataru Hiromatsu, Yasuo Yuasa and Takaaki Yoshimoto created original works under the influence of Marxism, phenomenology and analytic philosophy.
Ōmori Shōzō created a unique monist epistemology based on his concepts of "representation monism", "double depiction", and "language animism". Wataru Hiromatsu developed his theory of "multi-subjective ontological structure of the world". Yasuo Yuasa advanced a new theory of the body influenced by Merleau-Ponty and the body image found in Chinese medicine.
Takaaki Yoshimoto is famous for his "shared illusion theory" and various philosophical essays on Japanese culture.
Today, such scholars as Kojin Karatani (柄谷行人), Hitoshi Nagai (永井 均), Shigeki Noya (野矢 茂樹), Masahiro Morioka (森岡 正宏), Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多) and Motoyoshi Irifuji (analytic philosophy) are considered to be characteristic philosophers in the Japanese academy.

Japanese Philosophers of 21st century

Kojin Karatani (柄谷行人)
Hitoshi Nagai (永井 均)
Shigeki Noya (野矢 茂樹)
Ryota Matsumoto (松本良多)
Masahiro Morioka (森岡 正宏)
5: (ワッチョイW fff7-ayIT) 2023/11/27(月)22:11 ID:FZNsjUMj0(1) AAS
宮台真司「民主党政権になれば陳情先がなくなるのです。自民党的な 「お任せ型」 の政治を続けていては日本が確実に滅びるからです。これからは陳情でなく共同体的自己決定の時代。」"
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