ChatGPTに質問してみた (710レス)
671: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (テトリス 293f-GQRL) [] 2024/06/06(木) 13:26:06.30 ID:ww8uqDVv00606 Claude (Sonnet): 「なあ」と「ねえ」の語尾の違いを英語で表現するのは難しい課題ですが、ここに5組の翻訳例を提示します。 1. A: He really has grown up to be an admirable person, hasn't he? B: He certainly has become an impressive individual, hasn't he? 2. A: Look how far he's come, don't you think? B: He's really become quite accomplished, wouldn't you say?
672: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (テトリス 293f-GQRL) [] 2024/06/06(木) 13:26:34.05 ID:ww8uqDVv00606 3. A: He's turned out to be quite the remarkable person, wouldn't you agree? B: He's really matured into someone commendable, don't you think? 4. A: It's amazing how he's developed into such a respectable person, isn't it? B: He's really blossomed into someone impressive, hasn't he? 5. A: He's grown to be an admirable individual, you have to admit. B: You can't deny he's become a remarkable person, can you? In these examples, I tried to capture the nuance of "なあ" as a persuasive or rhetorical prompt seeking agreement, while "ねえ" is more of an inviting reflection or observation. However, it's important to note that the English translations cannot fully convey the subtle shades of meaning present in the Japanese particles.
673: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 290e-GQRL) [] 2024/06/07(金) 00:38:28.68 ID:+NpBHMJz0 "What do you bring to cook?"を含む会話を生成させる。 Prompt: # Task: Craft a short dialogue between Gilbert and Ann. # Background Context: Gilbert is a seasoned camper with extensive experience in wilderness adventures. He’s knowledgeable about the necessary equipment, skills, and safety measures for a successful camping experience. Ann is a beginner in camping, with a strong desire to immerse herself in outdoor adventures. Despite her enthusiasm, she lacks the hands-on experience and is eager to absorb knowledge from Gilbert. # Setting: The dialogue unfolds as Gilbert and Ann are in the midst of planning a joint camping expedition. #Specific Condition: At some point in their exchange, Ann should ask, “What do you bring to cook?”
674: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 290e-GQRL) [] 2024/06/07(金) 00:39:15.39 ID:+NpBHMJz0 Copilot(GPT4): Gilbert: Alright, Ann, have you got your checklist ready? Camping in the wild is an adventure, but we've got to be prepared. Ann: I've got my tent and sleeping bag, but I'm not sure what else is essential. What do you usually bring? Gilbert: Good start! Make sure your sleeping bag is appropriate for the season. Besides that, a reliable backpack, water purification tablets, and a first-aid kit are crucial. Ann: Got it. And for food? I mean, **what do you bring to cook?** Gilbert: Ah, the best part of camping! I keep it simple. A portable stove, a pot, some utensils, and non-perishable foods like pasta, beans, and rice. Fresh vegetables and fruits for the first day are great too. Ann: That sounds manageable. And how do you plan meals? Gilbert: Plan for each day. Breakfast can be oatmeal or granola bars, lunch could be sandwiches, and dinner, something hearty like a pasta dish. Always pack extra snacks too. Ann: This is really helpful, Gilbert. I can't wait to get out there and try all this! Gilbert: You're going to do great. Remember, it's about enjoying nature and learning as we go. Let's make this trip memorable!
675: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 97bd-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 09:33:46.54 ID:CwP0RPkg0 別スレの話題より。 特定の文構造を持つ例文のペアを生成する。 Prompt: Create several pairs of sentences (A and B) for novice learners of English. Each sentence has the same syntax structure as shown below. Sentence A: S, Noun of which V, V … Sentence B: S, whose Noun of which V, V … Ensure that each sentence pair conveys the same meaning. Sample: A: Mt Fuji, the top of which was covered with snow, was very beautiful. B: Mt Fuji, whose top was covered with snow, was very beautiful.
676: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 97bd-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 09:35:04.12 ID:CwP0RPkg0 Copilot (GPT4): Certainly! Here are several pairs of sentences for novice learners of English: A: The library, the books of which are very old, is closing soon. B: The library, whose books are very old, is closing soon. A: The car, the engine of which is very powerful, won the race. B: The car, whose engine is very powerful, won the race. A: The museum, the artifacts of which are from ancient Greece, is fascinating. B: The museum, whose artifacts are from ancient Greece, is fascinating. A: The garden, the flowers of which are in full bloom, looks stunning. B: The garden, whose flowers are in full bloom, looks stunning. A: The computer, the screen of which is broken, needs to be repaired. B: The computer, whose screen is broken, needs to be repaired. These pairs follow the same syntactic structure and convey the same meaning, making them suitable for helping novice English learners understand the use of “of which” and “whose” in sentences.
677: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 97bd-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 10:29:24.14 ID:CwP0RPkg0 面白みに欠けるので、Prompをちょっと変え、wrtnのGPT-4oで試してみた。 Prompt: Create several pairs of sentences (A and B) with wit and humor. (以下変更無し) wrtn (GPT-4o): Here are a few pairs of sentences with wit and humor, following the same syntax structure: A: Aunt Gertrude, the wardrobe of which was filled with moth-eaten sweaters, was a true fashion icon. B: Aunt Gertrude, whose wardrobe was filled with moth-eaten sweaters, was a true fashion icon. A: My neighbor's dog, the bark of which could shatter glass, was the neighborhood's alarm system. B: My neighbor's dog, whose bark could shatter glass, was the neighborhood's alarm system. A: The ancient tome, the pages of which were held together with duct tape, contained the secrets of the universe. B: The ancient tome, whose pages were held together with duct tape, contained the secrets of the universe. A: The professor's desk, the drawers of which were overflowing with ungraded essays, was a monument to academic procrastination. B: The professor's desk, whose drawers were overflowing with ungraded essays, was a monument to academic procrastination. A: The unicorn, the horn of which was fashioned from a pool noodle, was the most majestic creature in the land. B: The unicorn, whose horn was fashioned from a pool noodle, was the most majestic creature in the land.
678: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 97bd-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 11:10:57.19 ID:CwP0RPkg0 今見直したらpromptに致命的なミスがあるのに気づいた。 Sentence B: 誤) S, whose Noun of which V, V … 正) S, whose Noun V, V … こんな致命的ミスにもかかわらす正常に動作したのは、Sampleの例文があったからだろう。 Sampleつけるのは有効なようだ。
679: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 9777-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 12:29:39.07 ID:CwP0RPkg0 AIに文法範疇を尋ねても当てにならない例。 Prompt: Is practice in the following sentence a noun or a verb? What do you bring to practice? Copilot (GPT4): In the sentence “What do you bring to practice?” the word “practice” is used as a noun. It refers to a session or exercise for the purpose of training or improvement in a skill. The sentence is asking what items someone brings to such a session. Prompt: Can it be interpreted as a verb? Copilot: In the given sentence, “practice” is unlikely to be interpreted as a verb. The structure of the sentence suggests that “practice” is a place or event to which one brings something, which aligns with its use as a noun. If “practice” were to be used as a verb, the sentence would need to be restructured to make sense, for example: “What do you practice?” Prompt: I found a sentence below in a website. "What do I need to bring to practise?" The author herself, a yoga instructor in U.K, confirms that the word "practise" is used as a verb. If she had written in American English, she should have written "What do I need to bring to practice?" Here, "practice" is used as a verb. Copilot: You’re correct. In British English, “practise” is indeed the verb form, and the sentence “What do I need to bring to practise?” uses “practise” as a verb. It implies the action of doing yoga. In American English, however, “practice” serves as both the noun and the verb form. So, if the author were using American English, the sentence “What do I need to bring to practice?” could still be correct, with “practice” being used as a verb, depending on the context. It’s important to note the difference in spelling and usage between American and British English in this case. Thank you for pointing that out! 😊 (続く)
680: ブタ耳 ◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ 9777-JD1Y) [] 2024/06/17(月) 12:30:04.89 ID:CwP0RPkg0 (続き) Prompt: Have you revised your initial comment? Copilot: Yes, I have revised my initial comment. Upon reflection, I recognize that the word “practice” can indeed be used as a verb in American English, as in “What do I need to bring to practice?” This would imply the action of practicing something, such as yoga. In British English, the spelling “practise” as a verb is correct, and “practice” is used as a noun. I appreciate your attention to this detail, and I’m glad we could clarify the usage together. 😊
681: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a796-/BHN) [sage] 2024/06/22(土) 01:01:42.36 ID:NEKjI6m80 今だけです
682: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 43e4-fVwP) [sage] 2024/07/09(火) 00:03:28.65 ID:SuUsn8rP0 あと15キロ以上前なら ウィーアーぶっちぎり、バトルハッカーーズ!!( ゚∀゚)
683: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 2318-dqP1) [] 2024/07/09(火) 00:41:29.56 ID:TnxTBg/s0 GPF4連覇出来なくて良かったのではない
684: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW ad7e-wSgb) [] 2024/07/09(火) 00:48:36.51 ID:JpkZ3TGy0 不器用をアピールしてるんだが クマ撃ちの女の価値観
685: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4b2a-bh2C) [] 2024/07/09(火) 00:51:25.50 ID:9fR0ShnG0 2022.7.11改変 若者は賢い)という意味合い違うよね
686: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9b60-PA53) [] 2024/07/09(火) 01:24:55.11 ID:JWtA4T2Z0 超会議企画もなくなったら海馬か。 自動運転も控えの質はある 家庭環境のせいにして詐欺にかかわってるってどっちの話よ
687: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW a54d-lQQQ) [sage] 2024/07/09(火) 01:41:43.97 ID:7SjvFlOw0 それなりに上位打線ヤバいよ。
688: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW add7-IqZF) [] 2024/07/09(火) 02:10:13.85 ID:OiPwkM6O0 美少女の見たいか?
689: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa09-/ObR) [] 2024/07/09(火) 02:21:27.55 ID:lcW7CI1/a アンチだと思うよ 荒らしのネタ切れか
690: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW ad3c-dqP1) [sage] 2024/07/09(火) 02:35:16.02 ID:1vPTAnth0 食欲減退効果は確かにある 今日も俺PFは火の車にもしろよて奴ら
あと 20 レスあります