[過去ログ] [English] -- 英文法・語法に関する質問 Part 29 (1002レス)

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(4): (ワッチョイ b633-9ecG) 03/24(日)14:23 ID:/CFjI79Q0(1/8) AAS
/MGL0MNA0 さんの主張を裏付けるものとして。

(※下線とイタリックはそれぞれ " " と ' ' で代用。)
a. She wrote ["over fifty" novels].
b. She wrote ["between forty and fifty" novels].

In [?A] the underlined PPs function as determiner in the bracketed NPs.
'Over fifty' denotes a number lager than 'fifty',
and as such is a suitable realisation of the determiner function;
similarly, 'between forty and fifty' denotes a number within the specified range.

PP determiners normally have a cardinal numeral as complement of the preposition:

"around ten thousand" copies, "between fifty and sixty" tanks,
"close to a hundred" tickets, "from ten to fifteen" judges,
"in excess of ninety" delegates, "over a million" people,
"under ten" new drugs, "up to twenty" minutes

These PPs are semantically comparable to DPs like 'more than ten thousand', etc.,
and we will return to them briefly in our discussion of the latter (§11).
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