Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 227 (972レス)
461(1): (アウアウウー Saa5-UY59) 08/13(火)22:01 ID:VmQs8zKja(2/2) AAS
It is no surprise that you don't know such a rural museum.
But it is near the Himeji Castle. So you would be happy if you would go there when you would go to the castle.
462: (ワッチョイW b130-NOe/) 08/14(水)12:00 ID:JHJOA0PC0(1) AAS
I'll go there if I have an opportunity to go to Kobe. But I don't think such an opportunity comes soon because I don't get out of my area often. I've been to Kanagawa, Aichi, Tokyo for the last 10 years. Lol
463: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/14(水)18:04 ID:dPGjaANpa(1) AAS
I really would like to go to Ginzan onsen!
464: (ワッチョイW 6d54-UY59) 08/14(水)19:27 ID:XTgl1Sa40(1/2) AAS
Ginzan onsen? I am afraid of mineral poison.
465: (ワッチョイW 6d54-UY59) 08/14(水)19:37 ID:XTgl1Sa40(2/2) AAS
When I hear of ginzan, I remember 石見銀山鉱毒事件 and 田中正造.
466(1): (ワッチョイW b19d-CfFt) 08/15(木)01:22 ID:uz15kVx20(1/3) AAS
What are you guys talking about?
Recently I’ve seen outside-of-prefectural-licence plate cars everywhere! I like to chase their cars really close! lol
467: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/15(木)11:32 ID:KgrCTTxwa(1/2) AAS
Fuck you all .
Ginzan is exellent place like Jibri world.
468(1): (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/15(木)11:35 ID:KgrCTTxwa(2/2) AAS
Hold back!
You're a gheek.
469(1): (ワッチョイW b19d-CfFt) 08/15(木)13:09 ID:uz15kVx20(2/3) AAS
What? This is a great opportunity to do this. Bad drivers should not drive in the first place.
470(1): (ワッチョイW b117-NOe/) 08/15(木)18:24 ID:uz15kVx20(3/3) AAS
Unpopular opinion: Giburi movies are all overrated except 火垂るの墓. Thank you.
471(1): (アウアウウー Saa5-UY59) 08/16(金)00:56 ID:mqfX0+0qa(1) AAS
Frankly speaking, I don't know what people see in Giburi.
472(1): (ワッチョイW b1f9-NOe/) 08/16(金)01:21 ID:AJAgnelk0(1/5) AAS
I heard that adult people watch Giburi because they believe by doing so, they can bring back their inner child memories or something.
When I heard this, I was scared because it sounds so オカルト! creepy as heck!
473: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/16(金)08:52 ID:S2ERJ0EZa(1) AAS
Are you living in a place where tourists walk about?
474: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/16(金)12:41 ID:mcPe+1h/a(1) AAS
Anyway they're commy's fantasy.
They're lame.
Beautiful though.
475: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/16(金)12:47 ID:Mm8GLioza(1) AAS
Boy or girl.
Other's are commy.
476: (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/16(金)12:48 ID:dxECBZ4Ga(1) AAS
I feel that's therapy or something.
477(2): (ワッチョイW b16f-CfFt) 08/16(金)13:55 ID:AJAgnelk0(2/5) AAS
I’ve been constipated for some time. Well, I poop every day, but the amount of my poop has somehow decreased..maybe I need to go for fasting again to get my 宿便 out from my system!
478(1): (ワッチョイW c27c-UY59) 08/16(金)14:32 ID:oYjFww830(1) AAS
In Western medicine, 宿便 does not exist. Anyone has never actually identified it.
Because the large intestine has a good metabolism, cells on its surface frequently die and are reborn.
One-third of our poop, which excludes water, is the dead cells.
479: (ワッチョイW b16f-CfFt) 08/16(金)14:40 ID:AJAgnelk0(3/5) AAS
What? Does that mean I keep pooping even if I don’t eat? Human body is crazy..
Still, I just pooped a good amount, but still I have a feeling some poops are stuck in my stomach. I need to reduce what I eat and maybe I should take イヌリン or something for ドッサリ poop lol.
480(1): (アウアウウー Saa5-Zy4O) 08/16(金)14:51 ID:KFK1dLIwa(1) AAS
Stop stop.
You're a weird person.
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