Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 227 (1002レス)
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793: (ワッチョイ 8b60-0GI8) 10/13(日)10:52 ID:Mxg25b820(1) AAS
Trump or Camara.
Which side you on?
794(1): (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/13(日)16:16 ID:RVcyJ8QMa(1) AAS
Recently JP post tend to get late in distribution.
795(2): (ワッチョイW db2e-60Xf) 10/13(日)17:42 ID:X2wBuWIq0(1) AAS
I have heard they are short-staffed in these days. In addition, they seem to have stopped the delivery on weekend.
796: (ワッチョイW fb65-cWuy) 10/13(日)21:41 ID:+FWUouoh0(1) AAS
Today, I reset my iPhone 15 for selling. I'm going to sell it to Yamada, Rakuuru, or Johshin. They claim that they buy my iPhone 15 for 87000-90000 yen range.
I'll report the outcome later.
797: (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/13(日)23:17 ID:55G2J72qa(1) AAS
JP post is totally lame.
They can't afford to pay themselfs for ever.
I don't know why though.
798(1): (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/14(月)02:02 ID:1TWUkasfa(1/2) AAS
But, it's not 年末年始!
民営化 was suck.
799(1): (JPW 0H8f-cWuy) 10/14(月)02:28 ID:tdqVMPojH(1/2) AAS
Suck it up, dude. Jap people are too spoiled for everything and they became super demanding monsters.
800(1): (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/14(月)15:14 ID:1TWUkasfa(2/2) AAS
I don't think so.
801(1): (JPW 0H8f-cWuy) 10/14(月)15:16 ID:tdqVMPojH(2/2) AAS
Yes, we are.
Jap people are well known for being too demanding around the world. Take, online review, for example, their reviews are too severe. And this is well known.
802: (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/15(火)09:02 ID:g6YOl/Dxa(1) AAS
For example?
803: (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/15(火)11:42 ID:ADIQLIoLa(1) AAS
It gets cold.
But, I don't need heater yet.
804(1): (ワッチョイW 0fc6-60Xf) 10/15(火)12:34 ID:IcrvNiMM0(1) AAS
I am using an electric fan now.
It is still hot in midday.
805(1): (JPW 0H8f-cWuy) 10/15(火)19:50 ID:JKvC2qcjH(1) AAS
There have been too many アルファード and ベルファイア everywhere! They buy them as 残クレ?
806: (ワッチョイ 2b76-0GI8) 10/16(水)03:40 ID:ob95pvqn0(1) AAS
Handy fun use much of eleftricity.
So, ended up it's badly high cost goods.
807(1): (ワッチョイW 5f2f-cWuy) 10/16(水)04:03 ID:oDNHRGX+0(1) AAS
The new ipad mini is coming? Omg. I gotta buy it!
808(1): (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/16(水)11:48 ID:b4fqCLbEa(1/2) AAS
Use it by yourself?
809: (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/16(水)11:51 ID:b4fqCLbEa(2/2) AAS
By the way where's Ipod?
810(1): (アウアウウー Sacf-0GI8) 10/16(水)11:57 ID:kTFGtVqja(1) AAS
Do you know luxually hiace prepared to sell?
811(1): (JPW 0H8f-cWuy) 10/16(水)16:36 ID:KraGZmVfH(1/2) AAS
For myself.
Apparently I can buy the new ipad mini cellir model at 104800 yen.
The mini size is good for portal use.
812: (JPW 0H8f-cWuy) 10/16(水)16:36 ID:KraGZmVfH(2/2) AAS
I don't know much about car stuff, but I know some people resell アルファード or something.
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