Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 227 (972レス)

(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/17(火)17:54 ID:tsY0RVbAa(1) AAS
Actually are you sliding your finger?
The swipe involving other keys don't need.
Is that ok to write it correctly?
632: (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/17(火)18:54 ID:MY/rUhBR0(3/3) AAS
It is not that the characters that are swiped are inputted directly.
The word that is estimated by the trace of swiping is inputted.
So, a little mistake is corrected automatically.
(3): (ワッチョイW 9f3b-KMmb) 09/17(火)18:57 ID:Pko7Gd5h0(1/2) AAS
My life in a nutshell.
634: (ワッチョイW 579d-Qtnm) 09/17(火)19:03 ID:H+naETX70(2/2) AAS
how good is the curry? it looks too hot to eat for me though
(1): (ワッチョイW 9f3b-KMmb) 09/17(火)19:08 ID:Pko7Gd5h0(2/2) AAS
This curry from Lawson is actually made by エスビー or something. It's pretty basic.

As for spicyness, it's so average. Maybe because I'm strong for that.
636: (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/18(水)00:33 ID:jEGTCWYYa(1/2) AAS
Seems like ordinary guy.
(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/18(水)00:34 ID:jEGTCWYYa(2/2) AAS
I remembered that curry in Rawson is a bit expensive!
(1): (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(水)01:24 ID:75ST3YZS0(1/5) AAS
The cheapest and most delicious curry is the one that is made of a curry roux.
It can also be used for one person. Put the remaining roux into the freezer.
It is good that I can use my favorite ingredients.
I like a lot of meat and a large lumps of potatoes.

I'm hungry...
(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/18(水)01:38 ID:vtzm30tFa(1) AAS
Rou is hard to deal like takes much out of you.
(2): (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(水)01:48 ID:75ST3YZS0(2/5) AAS
Boiling water with meat and roux is delicious enough.
(2): (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(水)01:53 ID:75ST3YZS0(3/5) AAS
It is the full moon today.

642: (ワッチョイW 979d-KMmb) 09/18(水)08:20 ID:3zfT5WG/0(1/3) AAS
This one is cheaper one. Its about 130 yen.
643: (ワッチョイW 979d-KMmb) 09/18(水)08:21 ID:3zfT5WG/0(2/3) AAS
You dont add veggies?
I like to put a lot of onions and chicken meats in my curry. No carrots and potatoes. Those are nasty!
(1): (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/18(水)10:25 ID:c60ECXcla(1) AAS
No spice is ok?
645: (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(水)11:02 ID:75ST3YZS0(4/5) AAS
The curry roux includes everything: spices, dreams, hopes, etc.
(1): (ワッチョイW 1f29-l7nS) 09/18(水)11:38 ID:6Ui0yG480(1) AAS
you took this photo? so beautiful
647: (ワッチョイW 979d-KMmb) 09/18(水)12:11 ID:3zfT5WG/0(3/3) AAS
Those men who make curry from scratch are something you should avoid!!

648: (ワッチョイW 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(水)13:23 ID:75ST3YZS0(5/5) AAS
nowadays, smartphone cameras are excellent.
649: (ワッチョイW 979d-KMmb) 09/19(木)09:53 ID:eJVe0JZK0(1/2) AAS
I'm going to the Apple store in Nagoya tomorrow for iPhone 16 pro. Any suggestions for chilling out there in Nagoya?

Maybe I'm going to the Nagoya castle.
650: (アウアウウー Sa5b-R/GH) 09/19(木)12:00 ID:ewiadvi2a(1) AAS
A pic like E.T.
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