Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 227 (1002レス)

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937: (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/06(水)01:33 ID:RWnE/QV2a(2/2) AAS
I prefer Segway.
(1): (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/06(水)08:02 ID:CvSe/HqX0(1/7) AAS
I would rather buy an used car which is less than 100万円.
(1): (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/06(水)08:03 ID:CvSe/HqX0(2/7) AAS
I live in 田舎 where each person has at least one car. If you dont have a car, you cant do anything.
(1): (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/06(水)09:58 ID:PhilgkFJa(1) AAS
I feel 100 is enough for descent cars.
(1): (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/06(水)09:59 ID:yCJepzPua(1) AAS
all the
places in
Japan are so.
(1): (ワッチョイW a99d-SYqN) 11/06(水)17:36 ID:CvSe/HqX0(3/7) AAS
What kind of used car would do you buy if you had 100万?
(1): (ワッチョイW a99d-SYqN) 11/06(水)17:38 ID:CvSe/HqX0(4/7) AAS
I remember talking to Yokohama people years ago. I told them that you can’t do anything if you don’t have a car in my area like even work. They were shocked.
944: (ワッチョイW 1212-Ot4c) 11/06(水)18:17 ID:wpC1a9rW0(1/2) AAS
Trump seems to have almost won.
I wonder why people in TV gossip shows looked disappointed.
945: (ワッチョイW a99d-SYqN) 11/06(水)20:50 ID:CvSe/HqX0(5/7) AAS
I’m worried that he would be assassinated sooner or later since he was targeted twice already.
946: (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/06(水)21:54 ID:CvSe/HqX0(6/7) AAS
I want money. Money come first.
947: (ワッチョイW 12d7-Ot4c) 11/06(水)22:30 ID:wpC1a9rW0(2/2) AAS
Just a thought: what is Baiden doing now?
I feel I haven't seen or heard about him for a while.
948: (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/06(水)22:45 ID:CvSe/HqX0(7/7) AAS
I really like the newly released N-BOX car, so I did online 見積もり. Omg. It's over 300万 with options and so on. Expensive..!
949: (ワッチョイW 12d7-Ot4c) 11/07(木)00:54 ID:lAz4lDKq0(1/2) AAS
It is more expensive than a standard-sized car, isn't it?
950: (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/07(木)02:32 ID:TlLePVbv0(1/4) AAS
Standard cars are more expensive..

I can only afford a light car
951: (ワッチョイW 12d7-Ot4c) 11/07(木)09:29 ID:lAz4lDKq0(2/2) AAS
Saodake seller was running outside with a classic advertising message loud.
I'm surprised that they have existed yet.
952: (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/07(木)14:20 ID:tO4CQPJSa(1/3) AAS
I would buy secondhand of Toyota86.
953: (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/07(木)14:21 ID:tO4CQPJSa(2/3) AAS
青木, freaquent user of here is an one of Yokohama.
954: (アウアウウー Sacd-P7MY) 11/07(木)14:22 ID:tO4CQPJSa(3/3) AAS
Trump is
logical choice.
(1): (ワッチョイW a99d-ZGXx) 11/07(木)19:39 ID:TlLePVbv0(2/4) AAS
I don't understand why some Japanese people support Trump. They think they are whites or something?
956: (ワッチョイ 9e33-N0ij) 11/07(木)19:54 ID:fG/vw5cg0(1) AAS
cause trump is admirer of 壺.
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