Chat in English (‰pŒê‚ÅŽG’k)@part 227 (661Ú½)
’Šo‰ðœ Ú½žx

(1): (±³±³³° Sa5b-R/GH) 09/17(‰Î)14:52 ID:ZWZJ+N+7a(1) AAS
What's that?
(1): (ܯÁ®²W 97fb-IIQO) 09/17(‰Î)16:51 ID:MY/rUhBR0(1/3) AAS
It is an input method on smartphones.
It enables input by swiping, not tapping. See the attached GIF file.
You can use it on Gboard for English.
It dramatically decreases missed inputs and enables fast input.

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