Chat in English (‰pŒê‚ÅŽG’k)@part 227 (656Ú½)
’Šo‰ðœ Ú½žx

(1): (ܯÁ®²W 97ca-IIQO) 09/18(…)01:24 ID:75ST3YZS0(1/5) AAS
The cheapest and most delicious curry is the one that is made of a curry roux.
It can also be used for one person. Put the remaining roux into the freezer.
It is good that I can use my favorite ingredients.
I like a lot of meat and a large lumps of potatoes.

I'm hungry...
(1): (±³±³³° Sa5b-R/GH) 09/18(…)01:38 ID:vtzm30tFa(1) AAS
Rou is hard to deal like takes much out of you.
½Úî•ñ ÔÚ½’Šo ‰æ‘œÚ½’Šo —ð‚Ì–¢“Ç½Ú AA»ÑȲÙ

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