[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 371 (1002レス)
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547(1): 英語職人◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ 09e0-ZlnX) 2024/08/17(土)00:07 ID:xZZvCn6B0(1/11) AAS
転助くん、きょうもまた、お笑い提供しているね。AIに反論した場合、可能性が100%でない場合は、間違いを認めるようにできてるんだよ。反論するな、バカが (^O^)
The following sentence explains why the person who claims to have coined the term “Captain Obvious” used the word “Captain”. He states that he used the word “Captain” because he was influenced by “Captain Kirk” from Star Trek. The following sentence is what he wrote
As for what led me to rename Tom’s character as a Captain, I can’t be sure, but I think I not only liked the way it sounded, but that I may have been, in a way, subtly mocking William Shatner’s version of Captain Kirk (even though I never performed the Captain Obvious character with all of those iconic Shatner mannerisms.)
So here is my question. Is it possible to interpret “subtly mocking William Shatner's version of Captain Kirk” above as “playfully mimicking the name of Captain Kirk”?
(最後の1文の訳:“subtly mocking William Shatner's version of Captain Kirk”は“playfully mimicking the name of Captain Kirk”で解釈可能ですか?)
あと 455 レスあります
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