[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 371 (1002レス)
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28: ブタ耳◆2wLzAFYxl2 (ワッチョイ d9dd-oYaH) 2024/05/26(日)13:22 ID:KN0VmwES0(1) AAS
Is it possible to paraphrase (A) into (B) and keep the same meaning?

(A) This is the building under which they kept valuable artworks.
(B) This is the building where they kept valuable artworks.

Copilot (GPT-4):
Yes, it is possible to paraphrase sentence (A) into sentence (B) while preserving the same meaning. Both sentences indicate that valuable artworks were stored in the building. However, the prepositions used give a slightly different nuance to the location of the artworks:

・Sentence (A) with “under which” suggests that the artworks were kept in a space below the main structure of the building.
・Sentence (B) with “where” is more general and does not necessarily specify that the artworks were kept below; they could have been kept anywhere within the building.

So, while both sentences convey that the building was the storage location for valuable artworks, sentence (A) is more specific about the artworks being kept in a lower part of the building. If that specificity is not crucial to the meaning, then sentence (B) is a suitable paraphrase.
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