[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 371 (1002レス)
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(1): (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)06:51 ID:f5QtlOpg0(1/12) AAS
With her neck ruff, stout boots, black coat and round hat (rather than a bonnet) she looked distinctly masculine. Nicknamed ‘Captain Tom Lister’ locally during her lifetime, she was later referred to as “Gentleman Jack”.
Born on 3 April 1791, Anne Lister lived at Shibden Hall, 2 miles outside Halifax, from 1815 until her death in 1840.
(1): (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)06:55 ID:f5QtlOpg0(2/12) AAS
>>503 に書いてあるけど、18世紀に生きた女性は男みたいな風貌をしていたので、
Captain Tom Lister とか Gentleman Jack などと、生前に呼ばれていた。

Captain Obvious は、その延長線上に生まれただけだ。
(1): (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:12 ID:f5QtlOpg0(3/12) AAS
Two centuries ago, a local villain, nicknamed ★Captain Webb★ for the deformity of his hands and feet, is said to have lured a succession of 12 women here, stripped them and hurled them into the hole's soggy depths to die.

上で紹介されている Captain Webb と呼ばれた200年前の男は、手足が奇形だったので、
506: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:15 ID:f5QtlOpg0(4/12) AAS
Captain Blood is a 1935 American black-and-white swashbuckling pirate film from First National Pictures and Warner Bros.

この上に書いてあるのは、1935年のアメリカ映画のタイトルで、Captain Blood という、
507: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:20 ID:f5QtlOpg0(5/12) AAS
... a man known as ★Captain Calamity★ would tell me about his grand plan to secede from the UK.

Star Trek よりも古い時代の人ばかりを検索したいのだが、たまたま見つけた面白い
あだ名が現代のものなので、一応は紹介しておく。Captain Calamity というものだ。
508: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:31 ID:f5QtlOpg0(6/12) AAS
The Navajo see their moon darkened and dieing. They plead with Captain Cremony to spare the moon. They are really terrified. He convinces them to not attack any more and "saves" the moon. He now is nicknamed ★Captain Kill Moon★.

上は、西部開拓時代の話。その男の言動により、Captain Kill Moon というあだ名がついた。
509: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:46 ID:f5QtlOpg0(7/12) AAS
Morton’s strange account of life in America, “New English Canaan,” probably written around 1634, is a scathing attack on the rigid religious Pilgrims and their military leader, nicknamed “★Captain Shrimp★.”

17世紀に生きた男のことを、同時代に書かれた本の中で Captain Shrimp というふうに
呼んでいる。short and red-bearded つまり背が低くて赤ひげだったから Captain Shrimp と
510: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)07:55 ID:f5QtlOpg0(8/12) AAS
Dutch renegade Simon Danser was born Simon Simonsen of Dordrecht, and turned pirate after an apprenticeship as an ordinary seaman. He moved his base from Marseilles to Algiers in 1606, capturing 40 ships over the next three years. In one spectacularly successful month, he took 23 vessels, and earned ★the nickname Captain Devil★.

上に挙げたのは、17世紀の話。あまりに熾烈な攻撃ができた人だから、Captain Devil
511: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)08:03 ID:f5QtlOpg0(9/12) AAS
Captain Obvious と同じように、Captain の直後に名詞ではなくて形容詞をつけて、

James May, nicknamed “★Captain Slow★” for his relaxed driving style, who loves small, practical vehicles, a polar opposite of Clarkson, and finally Richard Hammond, the healthy golden mean.

しかしこの上に紹介する Captain Slow は、少しネガティブなイメージのある Slow という
形容詞を Captain の後につけている。ゆっくり運転するのが好きな人に対するあだ名。
512: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)08:14 ID:f5QtlOpg0(10/12) AAS
なるべく古い時代に Captain (何々) というあだ名がついたという話を探しているが、
Captain Obvious に近い形のものは、なかなか見つからない。すでに挙げた
Captain Short は、かなり近いとは思う。

Marie Nizet structured her story around the Russian prince Boris Liatoukine, who was nicknamed “★Captain Vampire★.” He received this name when, as a young captain in the Crimean War (1853–1856), his soldiers had left him for dead, soaking his body with cold water in the depths of winter, to escape his cruel punishments. But when they returned to camp, the soldiers found him safe and sound.

少し後に生き返っているので、Captain Vampire というあだ名がついた。
516: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)08:39 ID:f5QtlOpg0(11/12) AAS
Social Status and Activities: possibly the same John Jenkins who patented land in Northumberland County, Virginia, in 1653, but did not settle it;
★nicknamed "Captain Grindingstone," or "Grinstone"★;

17世紀の男が Captain Grindingstone とか Captain Grindstone というあだ名で呼ばれていた
517: (ワッチョイ 0906-Xdjv) 2024/08/13(火)08:48 ID:f5QtlOpg0(12/12) AAS
Early in 1750 Fielding also sent two soldiers to Clerkenwell Bridewell for attempting to break into an inn in St. Giles-in-the-Fields, but perhaps the most interesting case with which he had to deal in his first year of office involved a demobilized sailor named Thomas Lewis, alias ★Captain Flash.★

この上の記事では、どういう理由でかは知らないけど、18世紀の男が Captain Flash というあだ名をもらっている。
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