[過去ログ] スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 371 (1002レス)
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448(2): (ワッチョイ c942-Egr9) 2024/08/06(火)18:55 ID:lRT5+yWs0(1) AAS
captain obviousの語源みたいなのってあるの?
449(1): (ワッチョイ e12a-eg/E) 2024/08/07(水)06:54 ID:inyoJLh40(1/7) AAS
「語源」って言っても、captain という単語と obvious っていう単語の意味さえ知ってれば、
Captain Obvious の意味は誰でも簡単に想像できるので、「語源」なんてものを
1990 年のものが最初かもしれません。
‘But you're a girl,’ the guy said in surprise. This guy was getting on my nerves.
‘You are ★Captain Obvious★, aren't you?’ I shot back.
出典: L. E. Blair, Drummer Girl iv. 33
451(1): 2024/08/07(水)07:12 AAS
The noun "Captain Obvious" is a humorous and somewhat sarcastic term used to refer to someone who makes statements that are incredibly self-evident or points out the obvious. The origin of this term isn't linked to a specific event or person but rather evolved from common usage in English-speaking cultures.
The phrase likely gained popularity through internet culture and comedic contexts, where characters or individuals stating the blatantly obvious needed a satirical label. The "Captain" prefix adds a mock-heroic tone, implying that the person is being unnecessarily authoritative or significant in their pronouncement of what everyone already knows.
The term is often used in response to remarks that do not add new or useful information, serving as a playful way to highlight the redundancy of such statements.
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