[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 60 (1002レス)
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149(1): (ワッチョイW 6312-fdie) 2024/09/27(金)18:03 ID:UDCHUsxa0(1) AAS
I was really hoping Takaichi would win,
but if there's one thing I gotta give Ishiba props for,
it's that he's such a devoted husband.
Like, even when local big shots tried to set him up with some powerful dude's daughter,
he turned them down and married his wife. He’s been totally in love with her since college,
and they're still super close.
I mean, I can respect that, but like, have you seen the stock market?
It's tanking!
The economy's getting wrecked!"
あと 853 レスあります
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