[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 60 (1002レス)
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228: !id:ignore (ワッチョイ ff4f-eLKd) 2024/09/30(月)10:47 ID:Qyl6KYyP0(1/2) AAS
I couldn't find any basis for MBK's distinction, either.
For me, though, there is a slight difference in "flavour" between the two words. "Pillage" suggests - to me - that there is destruction alongside the looting; "plunder", in contrast, seems quite often to be used these days without any sense of physical destruction, as in:
Carer plundered widower's estate
BBC News - 5 days ago
A carer has been found guilty of defrauding a vulnerable widower she was supposed to be looking after by stripping his estate of about £300000. ...
Letter We can work our way through budget cuts
Scotsman - 30 Jul 2010
... budget then where should the money come from? Should the health and education budgets be plundered to pay for the next generation of nuclear weapons?
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