[過去ログ] 雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 60 (1002レス)
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987: 2024/11/05(火)23:07 AAS
It was a hot afternoon that made everything feel heavy and still. Taro, twelve years old and nervous, waited by the school gate, repeatedly rehearsing the words in his mind. The boy he liked was Ryota, the star of the school’s soccer team—a boy with an easy smile, sun-streaked hair, and a natural charm that seemed to draw everyone around him.
As Ryota finally approached, Taro’s heart pounded so loudly he was sure Ryota could hear it.
“Hey, Ryota,” he said, his voice a little shaky.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Ryota’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, but Taro felt something else too—maybe confusion, maybe even impatience.
“I… I wanted to tell you something.” Taro looked down, afraid to meet Ryota’s gaze. “I… I like you. A lot. Like… more than a friend.”
There was a pause, an excruciating silence that seemed to stretch forever. Finally, Ryota laughed, a quick, awkward chuckle that cut through Taro like ice.
“Are you serious?” Ryota said, his face a mixture of surprise and discomfort. “I mean… sorry, Taro, but… that’s not something I’d be into. You and me? It’s just… weird.”
Taro felt his face grow hot, his vision blurring slightly as he fought the urge to cry. He forced a smile, hoping it looked more genuine than it felt.
“Yeah, I get it,” he mumbled. “Forget I said anything.”
988: 2024/11/05(火)23:10 AAS
It was a hot afternoon that made everything feel heavy and still. Taro, twelve years old and nervous, waited by the school gate, repeatedly rehearsing the words in his mind. The boy he liked was Ryota, the star of the school’s soccer team—a boy with an easy smile, sun-streaked hair, and a natural charm that seemed to draw everyone around him.
As Ryota finally approached, Taro’s heart pounded so loudly he was sure Ryota could hear it.
“Hey, Ryota,” he said, his voice a little shaky.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Ryota’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, but Taro felt something else too—maybe confusion, maybe even impatience.
“I… I wanted to tell you something.” Taro looked down, afraid to meet Ryota’s gaze. “I… I like you. A lot. Like… more than a friend.”
There was a pause, an excruciating silence that seemed to stretch forever. Finally, Ryota laughed, a quick, awkward chuckle that cut through Taro like ice.
“Are you serious?” Ryota said, his face a mixture of surprise and discomfort. “I mean… sorry, Taro, but… that’s not something I’d be into. You and me? It’s just… weird.”
Taro felt his face grow hot, his vision blurring slightly as he fought the urge to cry. He forced a smile, hoping it looked more genuine than it felt.
“Yeah, I get it,” he mumbled. “Forget I said anything.”
989: (ワッチョイ 12a1-AGld) 2024/11/06(水)00:03 ID:4Swktdi70(1) AAS
わざわざ小説まで書くとかcloseted gayなんじゃないかね
990: 2024/11/06(水)01:39 AAS
991(1): 2024/11/06(水)01:50 AAS
Stop acting like you know what you're talking about when you can't even read a junior high school English textbook. Stop hanging around here and get a job, you hikikomori, unemployed idiot!
992(1): (ワッチョイW 2ddd-Avzx) 2024/11/06(水)06:41 ID:k/6glHqN0(1) AAS
get a job ☓
go to a job site ◯
993: !id:ignore (ワッチョイ 924f-CyeO) 2024/11/06(水)09:47 ID:+tYSJj2c0(1/3) AAS
Stop hanging around here でget a jobと言ってんだから
当然go to a job siteは含まれる
994(1): !id:ignore (ワッチョイ 924f-CyeO) 2024/11/06(水)10:06 ID:+tYSJj2c0(2/3) AAS
What an idiot! Stopping hanging around here and saying ‘get a job’ obviously includes going to a job site. Going to a job site is just one of many ways to get a job.
You keep saying weird things because you've probably never even been to junior high. Go to a night junior high school and get yourself up to that level, you moron!
995: (アウアウウー Sacd-ty2N) 2024/11/06(水)13:16 ID:5VkH1utBa(1/4) AAS
Are you sure you don’t have craving for dick but have too much internalized homophobia to come to terms with it?
996: 2024/11/06(水)14:10 AAS
997: (ワッチョイ 924f-xN5v) 2024/11/06(水)14:27 ID:+tYSJj2c0(3/3) AAS
You’re such a fool. Only a fagot like you would come up with ridiculous ideas. As for me, I’ve fucked women from the U.S., Germany, Spain, Colombia, China, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, and Japan—all off the top of my head. Hundreds of them. Instead of wasting time posting nonsense, why don’t you get a job, you worthless scum?
998: (アウアウウー Sacd-ty2N) 2024/11/06(水)14:43 ID:5VkH1utBa(2/4) AAS
999: (アウアウウー Sacd-ty2N) 2024/11/06(水)14:43 ID:5VkH1utBa(3/4) AAS
1000: (アウアウウー Sacd-ty2N) 2024/11/06(水)14:43 ID:5VkH1utBa(4/4) AAS
1001(1): 1001 ID:Thread(1/2) AAS
life time: 45日 22時間 13分 53秒
1002(1): 1002 ID:Thread(2/2) AAS
★ 5ちゃんねる専用ブラウザからの広告除去
★ 5ちゃんねるの過去ログを取得
★ 書き込み規制の緩和
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