やり直し英語学習者が集うスレ part6 (360レス)
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46: (ワッチョイW ff31-dnuG) 01/24(金)05:11 ID:mH3d9S0r0(1/5) AAS
47(3): (ワッチョイW ff31-dnuG) 01/24(金)05:20 ID:mH3d9S0r0(2/5) AAS
最新の第二言語習得研究に基づく 究極の英語学習法
中田 達也
Paul Nation
What do you need to know to learn a foreign language?
48: (ワッチョイW ff31-dnuG) 01/24(金)05:36 ID:mH3d9S0r0(3/5) AAS
You need to organize your own deliberate learning. The most important deliberate learning activity is using word cards (see Activity 5.1). You need to take control of this very effective activity and keep using it to learn new vocabulary and even more importantly to keep revising previously met vocabulary.
★You may find that some teachers advise against using this strategy largely because of the belief that all vocabulary learning needs to occur in context. They are wrong.
It is important that there is vocabulary learning in context through meaning-focused input, meaning-focused output, and fluency development, but it is also important that there is deliberate decontextualised learning through the use of word cards, because such learning is very efficient and effective.
49: (ワッチョイW ff31-dnuG) 01/24(金)05:36 ID:mH3d9S0r0(4/5) AAS
★Some people also believe that because word card learning involves first language translation, it encourages thinking in the first language rather than the foreign language. Research however has shown that in the beginning and intermediate stages of language learning the first and foreign languages are
unavoidably stored together.
Using bilingual word cards is a very effective deliberate learning strategy that you should use.
50: (ワッチョイW ff31-dnuG) 01/24(金)05:37 ID:mH3d9S0r0(5/5) AAS
The effects of repetition are strengthened if quality of attention is added to each repetition. An important and easily applied way of adding quality is retrieval. Retrieval involves bringing something that you have met before back to your consciousness.
★One of the major reasons for using word cards or flash card programs as a way of deliberately learning vocabulary is that these techniques encourage retrieval.
You see the word form and then have to try and retrieve its meaning, or you see the meaning and have to try and retrieve the word form. There is no set number of repetitions for learning to occur, but a minimum would be at least eight, and the more the better.
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