[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san (1001レス)

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250: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/02 18:01 ID:KPfMCNmx(1/2) AAS
Please teach me how to say fuck in Japanese.
251: 04/09/02 18:27 ID:PjyuC/LO(2/5) AAS
"fuck" calls it "えっち(ecchi)" or "セックス(sex)" in Japanese.
"えっち" is a soft expression (metaphor) of "sex."
252: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/02 18:55 ID:KPfMCNmx(2/2) AAS
but what is the romanj for セックス?
253: 04/09/02 19:19 ID:S/sfQRJ5(1) AAS
“fuck!” is nearly means to japanese “死ね(sine)” “ボケ(boke)”

“死ね” means “Die !”
“ボケ” means “How fool u r !”
254: 04/09/02 19:53 ID:irpIzqip(1) AAS
えっち(H) is initial of "hentai".
255: 04/09/02 20:19 ID:PjyuC/LO(3/5) AAS
256: ◆baila6uPTo 04/09/02 21:29 ID:zOdAYE6H(1/2) AAS
I feel,
cinematic-subtitles:Fuck!!!(en) -> 畜生!!!(ja)
257: ◆baila6uPTo 04/09/02 21:33 ID:zOdAYE6H(2/2) AAS
Shit! -> ちぇっ!
Son of a bitch -> クソ野郎
Oh, Jesus (crysis) -> なんてこったい
Mad fucker -> キチガイ
258: 04/09/02 22:53 ID:8ohQ/Wmo(1) AAS
259: 04/09/02 22:56 ID:PjyuC/LO(4/5) AAS

Fuck!!!(en) -> 畜生!!!(ja) -> Chikusyou !!!
Shit! -> ちぇっ! ->Che!!
Son of a bitch -> クソ野郎 ->Kusoyarou (or Kusoyalou)
Oh, Jesus (crysis) -> なんてこったい -> Nante-kottai
Mad fucker -> キチガイ ->Kichi-gai !! (alike "Kitty Guy !!"(:->)
(2): 04/09/02 23:23 ID:3SRgNDRQ(1) AAS
261: 04/09/02 23:35 ID:PjyuC/LO(5/5) AAS
そんな>260にExcite エキサイト 翻訳 : 英語翻訳
262: 04/09/02 23:45 ID:DFGx8YU4(1) AAS
translation of >>260

'' Why don't we tell him more better , beautiful Japanese?
Me? I can not speak English at all.....'' and he's crying
263: 04/09/03 00:09 ID:vXNxiGMU(1) AAS
  (  ) release...
  (  )
  | |

  (  ) ヽ('∀`)ノ MYSELF!!
  (  )  (  )
   | |   ノω|

  (  ) ('A`) oh,no...
  (  )Vノ )
264: 04/09/03 00:57 ID:8KwGsJWE(1/3) AAS
265: 04/09/03 08:27 ID:8KwGsJWE(2/3) AAS
This cat is called ''C''.

Following song is ''C's song''.

266: 04/09/03 08:28 ID:8KwGsJWE(3/3) AAS
sorry, this one.
267: 04/09/03 11:22 ID:RcudZa1k(1) AAS
それはしぃのうたじゃなくて、Jennifer Stigile のWind's Nocturneですからーーーーーーーー!!!!!!!!

268: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/03 15:25 ID:gzkRnSOS(1/2) AAS
Has anyone read "The Cat who walks through walls"? This kitty is always
looking for the door into summer. Thank you for teaching me
Japanese. I want to learn everything, even the dirty words. When someone
says them to me, then I will know they are being rude. Plus sometimes
It I may need to use them myself.
269: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 04/09/03 15:30 ID:gzkRnSOS(2/2) AAS
I love Wind's nocturne
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