[過去ログ] Let's talk with Jim-san. Part2 (837レス)

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152: ありす ◆Alice7XIII 2006/07/31(月)14:48 ID:f9ABvoJM(1/3) AAS
There are two questions in Jim_san.

Responsibility of the person that the first deletes it is a thing to where.
IZUMI_san is the same as it being asked you a question in res.

It is asked so a court of law responsibility about deletion in 2ch,
and I do not intend to appear.

The second is a question about a leader.
A leader manages an account of other members.
I mean as for it namely that I obtain personal information of other members.
A deletion account and personal e-mail address.

A leader seems to be a - turn to totally clean, and, as for me, there is resistance in what - changes in one year.
153: ありす ◆Alice7XIII 2006/07/31(月)14:53 ID:f9ABvoJM(2/3) AAS
ヽ(`Д´)ノ ウワァァァン!
I feel like being machine translation tatters. . . .

My English is strange
154: Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/31(月)15:05 ID:laeG3rQ4(6/7) AAS
Maybe I am making a mistake on asking for a 1 year office?
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys 2006/07/31(月)15:13 ID:laeG3rQ4(7/7) AAS
I was going to answer each question individually but so many are basically the repeated question
of who is responsible.
Let me answer.
I am completely responsible for bbspink. Nobody else has any legal liability with it.
deleters are volunteers, and are not to be known publicly. personal information will not be collected
If there is personal information it will be kept in the USA, and only I will have access to it.
(2): ひろゆき 2006/07/31(月)15:22 ID:Y006qBKU(1/3) AAS
You's better tell the users:
Why you chose the vote?
What you want the leader do exactly?
157: ひろゆき 2006/07/31(月)15:23 ID:Y006qBKU(2/3) AAS
I mean 'You'd'
158: 2006/07/31(月)15:25 ID:/1gCMBK/(1) AAS
Dear Mr Jim.
I'm one of the user of bbs pink.
My U.S.E is poor, But I try to be bridge.

That's point is important for everyone, Mr jim.
The Volunteer would like to know the most basic decision of the structure.

"Who will take the legal accountability?"

Court already adjudicated, "bulletin board manager owes legal accountability".
Concretely, - Defamation, violation of Goodwill. - about Compensation for damages.

The Volunteer is not manager, Ofcourse.
The Volunteer is not some part of the management.
159: ありす ◆Alice7XIII 2006/07/31(月)15:25 ID:f9ABvoJM(3/3) AAS
Does Jim_san perform setting of a deletion script and setting of a deletion account?

For the staff who cannot speak English, as for it, I think to become a slightly difficult problem.
There is the reason why we request a leader of a deletion person there.
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:26 ID:??? AAS
Leader will organize the deleters. I want to have the vote because we have
had two nominations for leader, and then we can begin to work on the task at hand.
Leader will also be anonymous and I will take complete responsibility for bbspink.
161: 2006/07/31(月)15:28 ID:z+B1VhFz(1) AAS
I recommend ◆ 79EROOYuCc to a leader.

Because she can mediate between Jim and a volunteer by English.
I think that she approaches a bulletin board to think of of Jim than a person showing the leadership.

Besides, she can go out with you in "デンパ". Her circumstances can become a volunteer and a cushion between Jim.
(4): ひろゆき 2006/07/31(月)15:30 ID:Y006qBKU(3/3) AAS
Are leader obligated to do something?
(1): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:32 ID:??? AAS
The leader has no obligation to do anything. It is only a matter of convenience
and wanting to do something for the community that will motivate the leader.
I am hoping that our deletion leader is someone that wants to help.
(2): Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:39 ID:??? AAS
Deletion leader nominations have already been closed.
There is a voting link here. please vote.
165: 2006/07/31(月)15:39 ID:1pRPOYh0(1/2) AAS

I recommend Hiroyuki to a leader.
166: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:42 ID:??? BE AAS

Just I made a cap handle for you.

This handle is "ひろゆき ★", not "どうやら管理人 ★", because you are not
an administrator of bbspink.

But its password is the same as "どうやら管理人 ★" in 2ch.
So, now you can use it here for authenticating yourself.

As you know, currently the BE system does not work in bbspink, so,
I recommend you would use the cap handle for preventing the forgery of
your important writing.
(1): イレイザーラモンHG ◆HG/Ok.YX3U 2006/07/31(月)15:43 ID:TJ1HG7UN(1) AAS


Because it is machine translation, contents may not come precisely, but try to write it.

All of you hello that it is used Jim and this thread. It is HG.
I have deleted a thread of this place by false operation of a deletion tool by mistake today.
I think that a lot of people surprised at a sudden thing come.
(1): ひろゆき@ひろゆき ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:48 ID:??? AAS
169: Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ 2006/07/31(月)15:51 ID:??? BE AAS
Thank you.

I copied the cap to all bbspink BBS servers. (pie, idol, sakura01-03).
So, you can use this for your important writing in bbspink.
170: ◆MARY/2Kkkc 2006/07/31(月)15:55 ID:qZWZpCUB(3/8) AAS
Good job, Jim-san.
When are you going to close the vote?
I want to wait for voting until hearing their final mind whether they want to be a leader or not.
171: 2006/07/31(月)15:58 ID:1pRPOYh0(2/2) BE AAS

Is it the specification which cannot be voted from PC?
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