[過去ログ] 4.28 パール判事の日本無罪論購入イベント (1001レス)
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983(1): 2009/05/08(金)17:48 ID:1NiQmjFy(2/3) AAS
「On a careful consideration of everything that could be said in this contention,
I am inclined to the view that the world “war" as used in these declaration
included the hostilities which commenced with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937」
(引用終了)(『パール判事』中島岳志 著、p109より)
“These is thus much force in the contention of the Defense that the allied Powers,
by using the term “war" in the Cairo and Potsdam Declarations,
referred only to the war which commend on the 7th December 1941 and was being jointly waged by the three declaring Powers and,
therefore, the surrender must be taken as terminating only that war.
The jurisdiction of the tribunal should, therefore, be confined to the acts in or in connection with that war. "
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