[過去ログ] (・∀・)  NewSの手越くんは天使  (・∀・) (928レス)

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912: 04/06/12 23:59 ID:PWqKwJCp(54/54) AAS
-- town Day School from fourth grade through high school), then on to Harvard.
But there the parallels end. Windsor is raped just before entering Harvard,
resists her mother's pressure to have an abortion,
and gives birth to a son she names Pushkin X.,
after the Russian poet, whose great-grandfather was an African slave.
The identity of her son's father -- a key plot element
-- is revealed late in the novel. Windsor becomes a professor of Russian at Vanderbilt University in Nashville,
and her grown-up son first disappoints her by becoming a professional football star,
then shocks her by proposing to marry Tanya, a Russian-born stripper.
あと 16 レスあります
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