[過去ログ] 百年前の日本人「朝鮮人は人間よりもケモノに近い」 (581レス)
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301: 2018/06/04(月)03:27 ID:pW4IX5az(13/21) AAS
Show's premise was a little bit middle-school comic book fantasy thing.
A secret organization trying to create perfect detectives by infusing legends' DNA through a microchip?
Call me when an anime studio make an adaptation of it. Well, that aside, twist set-up and pay offs were good enough.
Story was really slow paced but for the last episodes it was actually interesting.

Writing and editing on episodes through this season actually grew along with time.
It's like after episode 5 they found what the show really is.
Episode 1 had this big budget escape room games but the role-playing stuffs were really cringy (specially Park Na-Rae, like.. WTH!?).
Episode 2 to 5 were a mess. Episode 6 was great but i still have problem with the way they take games seriously.
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