[過去ログ] 【覚醒】2世3世が学会のおかしさに気がついたこと68 (1002レス)
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958: victim084平こうじ45 [nekoneko1307@yahoo.co.jp] 2018/03/01(木)19:23 ID:TUTo6FEM(1/2) AAS
Japan is about to be takeing over by cultsect known as sgi.
There is this cultsect in japan coming into power of regime now.
The truth of Japan which is needed to Know to All people of All over the World.
so,i have to inform this truth to foreign countries.
To tell tha truth soka gakkai(SGI) is not a religion but a crime organization.
They is also not a Buddhism.
Following site url i found in the net is explaining about SGI's lie.
It is movies and sample. .
I'm sorry that i insert those url into this text without permission.
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