[過去ログ] 【米国】 慰安婦決議案 報告書に「吉田清治証言」 米下院はこの虚構を根拠に審議 (860レス)
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193: 名無しさん@七周年 2007/04/13(金)20:08 ID:z5PF9tgW0(4/4) AAS
>To substantiate his arguments, Dr. Hata presented the Special Rapporteur with
>two prototype systems of recruitment of Korean women for comfort houses
>in the years 1937 to 1945. Both models provide that Korean parents,
>Korean village chiefs and Korean brokers, that is to say private individuals,
>were knowing collaborators and instrumental in the recruitment of women
>to serve as sex slaves for the Japanese military. Dr. Hata also believed that
>most "comfort women" were under contract with the Japanese army and
>received up to 110 times more income per month (1,000-2,000 yen) than
>the average soldier (15-20 yen).
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