[過去ログ] 【マスコミ】 「尖閣抗議・渋谷2600人デモ行進」、海外メディアは大々的に報道するも、日本のマスコミは華麗にスルー★47 (1001レス)

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150: 名無しさん@十一周年 2010/10/06(水)23:02 ID:WRhOmjONO携(1) AAS
Senkaku islands are Japanese territories.
We have to make a lot of intensive protesting actions against "THE INVADER, CHINA".

The demonstration by about 2,600 of Japanese people protesting against CHINA (URL under here)
on October 2nd, 2010 at Shibuya station in Tokyo
is reported by CNN, other foreign TV crew,and Japanese conservative CATV crew.

( URL for "i-mode". ↓)

But!, the news was "quashed" by Japanese major TVs.

What is that mean ?

Yes, Chinese SPYs are already existing in Japanese major TVs, redios, and newspapers.
You must be carefull. "Quashed" news is more important than broadcasted ones.

※URL for Pictures:
※URL for Movie

Now, CHINA is a "bad neighbor" of us all on the earth. Recognize it.

And! "NHK" (Nihon Housou Kyoukai, means "National Broadcasting Association" )
has already invaded by aliens because they "Quashed" the news of
the demonstration by about 2,600 of Japanese people protesting against CHINA
on October 2nd, 2010 at Shibuya station in Tokyo.

It's too bad, sad, and quite dangerous for the world.
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