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141: 名無しさん@12周年 2011/07/04(月)16:19 ID:OzCCGk4y0(4/6) AAS
Location:Home > News News
Naoto Kan was traced to a Korean background who have received political donations will be accountable
Posted:July 2,2011 Views:374
Global Network reporter Zhu Ying library reports, insisted on the resignation of Japanese
Prime Minister Naoto Kan, 1, was exposed to
accept from a background of political groups in Korea up to 62.5 million yen in political
donations Japan News reported on July 2,
As the government's top leaders and 'Headquarters for the North Korean abduction of Japanese citizens' of the Minister,
Naoto Kan will be in trouble because of that.
More than the news media in Japan, said Naoto Kan's personal political
fund management groups 'grass-chi will be' political groups from Japan, 'people party'
affiliated political organization 'to pursue regime change people's will'
absorb the 62.5 million yen in donations .
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