[過去ログ] 【国際】イラク軍、モスル西部で作戦開始 「イスラム国」拠点©2ch.net (51レス)

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45: 名無しさん@1周年 2017/02/22(水)09:08 ID:0nx9N+B20(3/4) AAS
Although these initial reports describe the individuals in question as
“NATO” officers, it’s unlikely they would have been carrying NATO
colors on a covert operation - and might be more accurately labeled
as US Coalition officers. Note that early reports suggest that
these are not standard ‘street rebel’ or jihadi terrorists
but actual Coalition military personnel and field commanders.

If, however, this story is kept under wraps by NATO member governments
and is summarily blacked out by the US and European media outlets,
then it might indicate that a deal has been struck, albeit behind the scenes,
for the return of captured NATO operatives in exchange for other concessions.

No. of American officers is 22
British 16
French 21
Israeli 7
Turkish 62
The list of 14 names leaked by a Syrian MP are not the real names of those officers, they are cover names;
it is standard practice to use a fake ID when serving in a secret op.

Mutaz Kano?lu ? Turkey
David Scott Winer ? USA
David Shlomo Aram ? Israel
Muhamad Tamimi ? Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian ? Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij ? Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan ? Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij ? Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi ? Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri ? Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui ? Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry ? Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi ? Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi ? Moroccan

Jihadists and Foreign Officers arrested at East Aleppo
ares Shehabi, an MP and the Chairman of Aleppo’s
Chamber of Commerce, has published a preliminary,
non-exhaustive list of 14 foreign officers
that were taken prisoners in the Nato bunker.
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