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837: 名無しさん@1周年 2018/06/24(日)08:42 ID:xdV/2Psr0(3/22) AAS
New study confirms cannabis legalization reduces violent crime



The findings are yet another example of science fighting back against statements made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. 
Since being appointed as the country’s top law enforcement official Sessions has linked cannabis to violent crime with seemingly little evidence saying,
 “I believe it’s an unhealthy practice, 
and current levels of THC in marijuana are very high compared to what they were a few years ago, and we’re seeing real violence around that.”

After meeting with the Attorney General of Nebraska, 
Doug Peterson, last year, Sessions directly associated legal marijuana states to an increase in violent crime. 
He cited Peterson’s concerns that legalization in Colorado has increased crime in neighboring Nebraska.

In 2014, Nebraska brought a case before the Supreme Court claiming damages brought by the state of Colorado as a result of cannabis legalization. 
The case was dismissed, and Sessions’ claims were debunked by fact-checking website Snopes which found that there was very little evidence to show that legalization was a direct cause of increases in violent crime, 
both in Colorado and its neighboring states.

Instead, prior research shows that cannabis legalization results in decreased crime rates, supporting the most recent study. 
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