[過去ログ] 黒人侍騒動、「アサシン クリード」開発元が釈明「創作表現の自由」 ★9 [ぐれ★] (1002レス)
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299: 名無しどんぶらこ 2024/07/26(金)10:05 ID:1feGk5Nl0(1) AAS
Yasuke is not Samurai.
Yasuke is just a servant,
Of course he was not oppressed as a slave.
To begin with, there was no slavery in Japan.
It's a fundamental issue.
Don't forgive suspicious Associate Professor Lockley ‘s history falsification.
Who connected the liar Lockley to dishonest game studio.
Those who profited from the slave trade should stop blaming Japan.
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