[過去ログ] 【気象予報士】 酒井千佳 Part10 【おはよう日本】©2ch.net (1002レス)
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(6): 2017/09/07(木)18:37 ID:hhNo1L2p(1) AAS
163: 2017/08/22(火)19:11 ID:6REWaoxn(6/11) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
208: 2017/08/24(木)18:57 ID:e//cJNXa(4/6) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
355: 2017/08/28(月)00:51 ID:4qJ91TI/(2/9) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
410: 2017/08/28(月)13:31 ID:MzdCgWiF(2/6) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
485: 2017/08/28(月)18:33 ID:hYC9+M3Y(7/10) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
552: 2017/08/30(水)00:29 ID:A3o6Bfnx(2/3) AAS
726 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:18:59.06 ID:ryUz6H42
OK, but are you surely TAKUMI?
I think you are FAKE.
Because you used ID: sQwZDDGD, you wrote >> 721 once at 3:40 this morning.

727 名無しさんといっしょ sage 2017/05/17(水) 11:56:27.26 ID:3KACPjwc
Hey hey hey, no way, I’m just I, TAKUMI, absolutely YES.
Can you stop bothering me in 2channel BBS?
Only use twitter to in touch with me.
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