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76: 08/18(日)01:44:30.01 ID:UF0GOa5vH(1) AAS
[体感] ググっても出てこないプファーの最珍アメリカ情報 [でっちあげ][英語読めない]

171: 09/04(水)06:50:44.01 ID:xyA2yXWI0(5/7) AAS
Lipper lost his associate dean job in a layoff in 2012, at 56. Undaunted, he went in search of a better job, as dean of students.
“And just nothing,” he recalled. “Crickets. ... I remember this feeling of, ‘No one’s even getting back to me.’”

Lipper lowered his sights, applying for jobs with lesser titles. Still nothing. After a seemingly endless search, he landed a position at an international business school.

In 2018, at 62, Lipper was laid off again.

“I remember taking that train ride back to New Jersey and thinking to myself, ‘This might really be the end for me.’”

In a way, it was. Lipper applied near and far, even trolling for jobs he had held before. No offers came. Lipper was forced into retirement at 62. He is 68 now. He had planned to work till 70.
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