★Chestnut & Squirrel (65レス)

46: 2022/04/10(日)15:50 ID:74f/itj9p(1) AAS
47: 2022/04/11(月)20:38 ID:vn3v03zWm(1) AAS
作詞:John Lennon 作曲:Paul McCartney 編曲:松任谷正隆
2:Over the rainbow(3:49)
作詞:EY.Harburg 作曲:Harold Arlen 編曲:松任谷正隆
3:Everybody Loves somebody(4:04)
作詞:lrving Taylor 作曲:Ken Lane 編曲:松任谷正隆
48: 2022/04/21(木)12:52 ID:NK4JDCxv5(1) AAS
People are being made to dream by advertisement.
49: 2022/05/01(日)12:11 ID:LiW4H+79c(1) AAS
The computer has introduced radical innovations.
The students' poor performance on the tests is a sad commentary on the current state of education in this country.

radical : very new and different from what is traditional or ordinary.
commentary : something that shows or makes a statement about the true state or condition of something.
50: 2022/05/07(土)18:38 ID:MSyhQIG6x(1) AAS
It's not what you read but how you read it that matters.
51: 2022/05/25(水)20:30 ID:G0E1jIY1w(1) AAS
Unable to defeat him by logical discussion,
 they fell back on their old habit of telling a lie to criticize him.

fall back on : If you fall back on something, you do it after other things have failed.
52: 2022/08/07(日)11:50 ID:vr39pO3xi(1) AAS
What book you read makes your mind and heart.
53: 2022/12/27(火)13:41 ID:5mW2TGHmH(1) AAS
Exam results are not necessarily a true measure of a student's abilities.
54: 2023/01/15(日)19:08 ID:UqsUjVD37(1) AAS
When a teacher and a student share the experience,
a teacher becomes a student, a student becomes a teacher,
and secret of learning is revealed.
55: 2023/02/13(月)12:42 ID:mxfpwablo(1/2) AAS
debate : (noun) a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something.
            (verb) to consider something carefully before making a decision.
56: 2023/02/13(月)12:51 ID:mxfpwablo(2/2) AAS
if you think something on balance, you think it after considering all the facts.
57: 2023/05/08(月)12:49 ID:kOEyfMZEt(1) AAS
Making people having diverse views a team are the key to success.
58: 2023/06/07(水)18:55 ID:OY2Abagt6(1/2) AAS
unity : the quality of having matching parts.  harmony.
          when a group of people or countries agree or are joined together.
          a way of combining the parts in a work of art or literature so that they seem to belong together.

harmony : a pleasing combination or arrangement of different things.
59: 2023/06/07(水)19:05 ID:OY2Abagt6(2/2) AAS
interplay : the way in which two or more people or things affect each other.

・the interplay of ideas.
・the interplay between the old and the new.
・enjoys the interplay of three very different flavors.
60: 2023/07/17(月)10:33 ID:78bDXGaXL(1) AAS
If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. (Albert Einstein)
61: 2023/08/08(火)19:23 ID:j7bU/gAqW(1) AAS
a paradigm shift is an important change
 that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something
    is replaced by a new and different way.
62: 2023/09/25(月)12:11 ID:awJnwbJxw(1) AAS
A civilized society is well organized and developed, and has fair laws and customs.

fair : (adj) agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable.
             treating people in a way that does not favor some over others.
63: 2023/11/06(月)20:45 ID:I8iuWHn9O携(1) AAS
someone with enlightened attitudes
  has sensible, modern views and treats people fairly and kindly.

enlightened : (adj) showing a good understanding or knowledge of something.
64: 2023/12/26(火)13:16 ID:s6yIwTXSV(1) AAS
dialectic :
 a method of examining and discussing opposing ideas in order to find the truth.
 a method of discovering the truth of ideas by discussion and logical argument
   and by considering ideas that are opposed to each other.
 the way in which two very different forces or factors work together.
65: 2024/03/03(日)12:11 ID:SgluM1/bH(1) AAS
Catharsis is the act or process of removing strong or violent emotions
  by expressing them through writing, talking, acting etc.
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