[過去ログ] 【Makaveli】 水野の、自サイト誘い出し犯罪者 (1002レス)
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200: 2016/05/06(金)09:30 ID:1EMIlL2Zs(17/39) AAS
Banner advertising, the top page of the sponsor recruitment announcements Death row web site, introduced a banner ad. Everyone of the company, by a link me for a banner ad to its Web site,
it is possible to induce a large number of Internet users, will lead to an increase in customers. Top monthly access number of pages, about 18,000 times (2016 March results). ※ There is no guarantee the access number of the actual top page.
Their infinite space rid of constraints of advertising space will be secured by linking to his site. In addition, compared to the advertising of paper media, speedy, it enables you to transmit information in a timely manner.
In the future, we will further the aim of increased access aims to enhance the content. Thank you that you will take advantage by all means as Death row web site advertising media banner ads.
Of advertising, can apply for in a monthly basis, it will be the application of each fiscal year.
Standard: vertical 60 pixels × horizontal 150 pixels
Format: GIF, JPG, PNG
Capacity: 10 kilobytes within
Banner ad image, please create advertiser. For also create expenses, it will be the advertiser burden.
If you can not create, please contact us.
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