[過去ログ] ☆★★医師が犯した事件 (337レス)
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100: 2017/04/12(水)12:54 ID:PzMjjZve.net(1) AAS
On 18th April 2010, Pope Benedict XVI met talks with abusive victims in Malta visited. Tear off my tears
I express my wishes of "regret and sorrow", offering prayers and explaining that the church is investigating allegiance with full power
, I promised to continue investigating until I punished the person responsible for abuse and to implement measures to protect the young people of the future [8].
Pope Benedict XVI announced on May 11 of the same year that "The church is a threat due to the crimes born in the church
I am exposed to it. "
It was the first time to refer to Church's responsibility. However, this told reporters in the plane when visiting Portugal
It was a remark, and it was not mentioned in the sermons at outdoor masses in particular [9].
Francisco, which became a new pope on March 13, 2013, in place of Benedict XVI, will be on April 5, 2013
In response to this question "announced a firm response" was announced [10].
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