[過去ログ] 【社会】朝日新聞「慰安婦」記事取り消し 前代未聞の事態に波紋広がる (1008レス)
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(1): 名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ 2014/08/17(日)22:11 ID:kXo+s8fo0.net(1) AAS
Comparison of the Japanese army with the South Korean army and the US army

Did the army utilize the prostitutes?
Japanese army=Yes. Korean army=Yes. US army=Yes.

Did the army rape any women?
Japanese army=Yes. Korean army=Yes. US army=Yes.

Did the army kidnap Korean women to make them be comfort women?
Japanese army=No. Korean army=Yes. US army=No.
(At the time of the Korean War,the South Korean army kidnaped women who were likely considered to be communists, and forced them to be comfort women.)

Were the women who were forced to serve as comfort women for the army unhappy?
Japanese army's=Yes. Korean army's=Yes. US army's=Yes.
669: 名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ 2014/08/17(日)22:15 ID:+TUeXG/a0.net(9/9) AAS
Nice black comedy lol
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