[過去ログ] 【朝日新聞】 慰安婦問題の本質は人権の問題である 多くの女性が兵士の性の相手を強いられ、尊厳が傷つけられた史実は否定できない★10 (1024レス)
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922(2): 名無しさん@0新周年@\(^o^)/ 2014/08/18(月)13:52 ID:CoeTHf+10.net(1) AAS
朝日新聞英語版 16.Aug.014
EDITORIAL: Wise decisions needed from Abe and Park to ensure good ties
Earlier this month, The Asahi Shimbun ran special coverage on the issue
of comfort women in which it corrected some errors in its past reporting
while pointing out that this is essentially an issue of universal human rights.
At comfort stations set up with the involvement of the Japanese military,
many women were forced to provide sex to soldiers. Their dignity as women was
degraded. There is no denying these historical facts.
あと 102 レスあります
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