[過去ログ] 2ch.netとJIMを通報する対策本部 ★2 (1002レス)
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646: 2014/04/25(金)16:02 ID:qjOCxEiNL(3/4) AAS
781 名無しさん 2014/04/24(木) 01:13:51.58 ID:8ediNpsuU
> 351 :Grape Ape ★ [] :2014/04/24(木) 01:08:01.44 ID:???0 [PC]
> >>337
> I have a whole bunch of 7200 rpm IDE drives and plenty of p4 Prescott processors.
> We can run 2ch on those if necessary. Just need more machines online for it.
> Honestly there is a lot of equipment available. We have a whole data center, and it
> is just for 2ch.net now. There is plenty of room to grow. So I hope there is less
> complaining and more thoughts on where we will go next.
IDE、 p4 Prescott ・・・ やっぱ中古じゃんw
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