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(2): 2014/04/24(木)08:19 ID:ks/fAfE8X(1) AAS
351 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/24(木) 01:08:01.44 ID:???0
I have a whole bunch of 7200 rpm IDE drives and plenty of p4 Prescott processors.
We can run 2ch on those if necessary. Just need more machines online for it.
Honestly there is a lot of equipment available. We have a whole data center, and it
is just for 2ch.net now. There is plenty of room to grow. So I hope there is less
complaining and more thoughts on where we will go next.
私はフル装備の 7200 rpm IDE ドライブと、充分なp4 Prescott プロセッサーを持っているんだ。
もし必要なら、2chをこれで動かす事も出来る。 その為に、さらに追加のオンライン機器がいるんだが。
あと 990 レスあります
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