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1(4): ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 2014/05/03(土)19:01 ID:??? AAS
2: ひろゆき@どうやら管理人 ★ 2014/05/03(土)19:02 ID:??? AAS
3(1): 2014/05/03(土)20:01 ID:fhvatDIM2(1) AAS
●マイクロソフト セキュリティ情報 MS14-021 - 緊急 IE6-IE11
4: 2014/05/03(土)20:04 ID:etk7VOylX(1) AAS
5: 2014/05/04(日)10:20 ID:kUThQrJ5C(1) AAS
Microsoft is issuing an update to Internet Explorer today that patches a very serious security issue
in its browser. This issue came to light over the weekend and what made it especially problematic was
that it involved every version from IE 6 forward.
Windows XP users, however, can’t update their browser beyond version 8 and Microsoft isn’t patching
XP anymore at this point in its life cycle. For this bug, however, Microsoft has made an exception and
it is patching IE on Windows XP as well.
“The security of our products is something we take incredibly seriously. When we saw the first reports
about this vulnerability we decided to fix it, fix it fast, and fix it for all our customers. The update
that does this goes live today at 10 a.m. PST,” said Adrienne Hall, General Manager, Microsoft Trust
-worthy Computing in a statement today.
6: 2014/05/06(火)10:02 ID:2yimPt2M2(1) AAS
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