★■警察と集団ストーカーと統合失調症ビジネス2■ (207レス)
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54: police, [n] 2022/02/16(水)21:13:59.40 AAS
The countries around China are ethnic minorities
Many suffered from the murder of Chinese
It is a country that matches, for example Uighur, Mongolia
Russia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Tibet,
Kazakhstan, Russia, Buryatia, North Korea,
Adjacent countries, all of which are damaged by China. Even if they are mass slaughtered, they cannot catch the Chinese, they need American police.
Catch the murderer of the 20th century mass murder in China
Please be sentenced.
To the American police.
197(1): 精神病とマイクロ波曝露の関係 2022/11/05(土)22:20:28.40 ID:QZCzLNXtS(1) AAS
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