[過去ログ]    情報商材詐欺師晒しスレ  (1001レス)

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439: 2012/09/01(土)20:24 ID:pvxySeUb0(5/5) AAS
18 :備えあれば憂い名無し:2012/08/26(日) 21:27:24.34 ID:8WkTzNnS0


トップページ右のオレンジ色タブ「Click to Chat」を押せばライブチャットで対応してくれる。


Acceptable Use Policy(規約)

UnitedLayer's ("UL") Acceptable Use Policy ("AUP") for products and services is designed to help protect UL,
its customers, and the Internet community in general from fraud, abuse of resources, and irresponsible or illegal activities.

Prohibited Conduct(禁止事項)

UL's services may only be used for lawful and appropriate purposes. Customers may not transmit, retransmit, redirect,
or store material in violation of United States Federal or applicable United States State laws, industry or community standards,
including, but not limited to, obscenity, indecency, defamatory or material infringing trademarks or copyrights. UL customers may not abuse or
fraudulently use UL products and services, nor allow such use by others. The following illustrate some, but not all, uses that are prohibited under this AUP:

(1) Child Pornography:
It is illegal under federal child exploitation statutes to possess, produce, receive, transport or distribute by any means, including computer,
visual depictions of "sexual intercourse" and/or "sexually explicit conduct" involving persons under the age of 18.

(2) Denial of Service:
Engaging in activity that may or will interfere with the service of another user, host or network on the Internet.
Users are also prohibited from activity considered a precursor to attempted security violations including, but not limited to, any form of scanning,
probing, or other testing or information gathering activity, without prior express written consent from UL's IP Security Officer.

(3) Distribution of Viruses:
Distribution of software, programs or messages that may cause damage or annoyance to persons, data,
and/or computer systems. Hosts not timely secured or removed by customers may be blocked by UL from accessing the network.

(4) Forging Headers:
Forging or misrepresenting a message header of an electronic transmission originating or passing through UL's network.

(5) Email Spamming [or Mailbombing]:
The transmitting of unsolicited email to multiple recipients, sending large amounts of email repeatedly that annoys,
harasses or threatens another person or entity, or attempts to use UL servers as a mail drop or nameserver for SPAM.
Sending unsolicited bulk email from another Internet service provider's network advertising or implicating any service
hosted or provided by UL, including without limitation email, web hosting, FTP and DNS services.
The sending of email with added words/characters in an attempt to bypass Bayesian filters is prohibited.
For bulk emailers on the UL network - removal of complainants is required, as is the creation of a master no-send list.
Bulk emailers may also be required to provide the complete confirmed opt-in information for each complainant within 24 hours of the request.
Bulk emailers will also be required to demonstrate a definitive priorbusiness relationship between the sender and the recipient.
Utilizing a customer affiliate program to generate leads makes a UL Customer responsible for the actions of its affiliates. This control includes,
but is not limited to, blocking affiliate links and sending the affiliate traffic to a 404 error type page.
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