[過去ログ] [ワッチョイ]ナイロンカッター&特殊刃を語るスレpart 1 (1002レス)
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581(1): (ワッチョイ d663-oMiI []) 2018/09/01(土)08:07 ID:D9GUtVzp0(2/3) AAS
Versions Price
FS 260 C EZ with G/blade & 40-2 guards / harness $1,099.00 *
Technical data
Displacement cc 41.6
Power output kW/hp 2.0/2.7
Weight kg 7.9
Displacement cm³ 41.6
Power output kW 2
Sound pressure level with plastic tool dB(A) 1) 101
Sound pressure level with metal tool dB(A) 1) 100
Sound power level with metal tool dB(A) 1) 112
Sound power level dB(A) 1) 113
Vibration level, left with plastic tool m/s² 2) 5.8
Vibration level, left with metal tool m/s² 2) 4.2
Vibration level, right with metal tool m/s² 2) 4.6
Vibration level, right with plastic tool m/s² 2) 5.7
Total length cm 3) 1.685
Tank volume ml 750
Idle speed Um 2.800
あと 421 レスあります
スレ情報 赤レス抽出 画像レス抽出 歴の未読スレ AAサムネイル
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